SINGAPORE, 6 October 2015 – NTUC FairPrice remains concerned over the haze situation in Singapore and have always strived to ensure that customers have access to quality products that are produced from sustainable sources. FairPrice imports paper products sourced from several countries around the world including Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Taiwan, Chile, Canada, Brazil, USA, and Finland. These include products like toilet rolls, kitchen towels, facial tissues, wet wipes, and copier paper which are also widely sold across various retailers in Singapore.
FairPrice had since approached Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Group, to register its concern and seek clarification on their practices when the authorities sought information from them on 25 September under the Transboundary Haze Pollution Act (THPA). About 20 percent of the paper products FairPrice carries are sourced from APP through a licensed distributor in Singapore.
Mr Seah Kian Peng, CEO of NTUC FairPrice, said, “As a responsible retailer, FairPrice takes a strong stance in this matter as we expect our partners to adopt values that are aligned with ours; this includes adopting and promoting sustainable practices. The haze affects all of us and we empathise with our customers for the inconvenience and disruption that it has caused. We assure that prompt and firm actions will be taken on any of our suppliers if they are found to be responsible for any unethical practices that contribute to the haze.”
To help the community, especially the elderly and vulnerable, cope with the heightened haze situation, FairPrice has also been playing a proactive role. FairPrice sponsored about $500,000 worth of essential food and medical supplies to vulnerable households last month. FairPrice staff also served as volunteers to pack these items for distribution.
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