Vouchers will be distributed to needy families via Grassroot Organisations and selected Welfare Organisations.
For the first time, FairPrice Foundation is partnering People’s Association in engaging all grassroots leaders and the community to support needy families through a mass community participation event – the “One Community Walk”. Through this event, FairPrice Foundation is donating $1 million worth of food vouchers this year to needy families through all 87 Grassroots Organisations (GROs) and selected welfare organisations.
To spread the spirit of compassion by engaging the community in doing good together, FairPrice Foundation is donating $10 to the FairPrice Food Voucher Scheme for every registered participant of the “One Community Walk”. This year, over 85,000 participants registered for the walk. In response to the overwhelming support, FairPrice Foundation has donated $ 1 million in total to help needy families meet their daily needs. More than 20,000 needy families and individuals will benefit from this donation.
The vouchers will be distributed to needy families through all Grassroots Organisations in all 87 constituencies in Singapore. FairPrice Foundation will be writing to all Grassroot Advisors on collection of the food vouchers in early August.
Mr Ng Ser Miang, Chairman for NTUC FairPrice Foundation said, “The One Community Walk is an excellent platform for people to come together as one and to share a common belief as one. By participating in this event, FairPrice Foundation hopes that we can share our belief that together as one, we can build a better community for all.”
Since 2002, FairPrice has been working with Grassroots organizations and welfare organisations in identifying and assisting needy families to meet their daily needs through the FairPrice Food Voucher scheme. Over the years, the FairPrice Food Voucher scheme has contributed $8 million worth in FairPrice vouchers to over 160,000 requests from the needy for financial assistance. Including the current donation, this brings total contributed amount to $9 million to meet over 180,000 requests.24 July 2011
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